論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | ワールドランゲージセンター(WLC) 第 2 ステージの挑戦:現状と今後の課題 , 学士課程教育機構研究誌, 13, 47- 52, 2024年03月,
2 | ー , 学士課程教育機構研修誌, 11, 65- 87, 2022年03月,
3 | Teaching-Learning Cycles: A Genre- Specific Pedagogy , OnCUE Journal, 11( 2), 194-200- , 2019年02月,
4 | Cycling into the Student Ambassador Program’s Second Year , Learning Learning, Vol.21( No.1), 66- 68, 2014年03月,
5 | NGO Outreach , Learning Learning, Vol.20( No.2), 61-62- , 2013年08月,
6 | Identity Construction in a Third Place: a Japanese Intern’s Social Network , Learning Learning, Vol.18( No.2), 8-18- , 2011年10月,
7 | Personal Language Learning for Teachers and Learners , Learning Learning, Vol.18( No.2), 38-50- , 2011年10月,
8 | Talking about Language Learning Histories , Learning Learning, Vol.18( No.1), 59-61- , 2011年07月,
9 | Teacher Approaches to Japanese Culture: Implications for Student Autonomy , Proceedings of the Independent Learning Association, 2007 Japan Conference, , 1-14- , 2009年09月,
10 | Teacher Views on Stereotyped Japanese Learning Styles: Contexts and Ideals , Proceedings of TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium. Tokyo: Temple University Japan, , 37-46- , 2008年10月,
11 | The Indonesian Varsities English Debate: A Showcase of Student Autonomy , On Cue Journal, Vol.12( No.1), 31-32- , 2003年03月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Working with Teachers to Apply the Common European Framework of Reference in the Classroom, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia National Conference 2023, 2023年11月20日, ,
2 | A CEFR Alignment Project: Instructor Adaptations and Implementation, JALT 2021, 2021年11月14日, ,
3 | Diffusing Program-wide Use of CEFR Illustrative Descriptors, Action Research Workshop, 2021年08月20日, ,
4 | Helping Teachers to Apply CEFR Illustrative Descriptors in the Classroom, JALT PanSIG Conference, 2021年04月16日, ,
5 | Helping Teachers to Apply CEFR Illustrative Descriptors in the Classroom, Research Plan and Proposed Solution Workshop, 2021年03月09日, ,
6 | Initiating a CEFR Alignment Project, JALT 2020, 2020年11月21日, ,
7 | Critical Local-Global Culture Awareness, JALT PanSIG Conference 2019, Kobe, 2019年05月, ,
8 | Adding Journals to Your Courses, English Language Teaching Expo, 2019年02月, ,
9 | Japanese Science Graduates’ Use of English in Global Technology Companies, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, 2018年11月, ,
10 | Science Graduates’ Use of and Views on English, JALT International Conference, 2018年11月, ,
11 | Science and Engineering Graduates Use of English: A task based needs analysis, Task Based Language Teaching in Asia, 2018年06月, ,
12 | Scaffolding Procedure Genres with Teaching-Learning Cycles, Thailand TESOL International Conference, 2018年01月, ,
13 | Scaffolding Procedure Genres with Teaching-Learning Cycles, JALT CUE ESP Symposium, at Keio University, 2017年09月, ,
14 | An Action Research Peer Support Group, Creating Community: Learning Together Conference, Otsuma Women’s University, Tokyo, 2016年12月, ,